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Mental Health

The whole world is out of our control - but there is one thing that is in our control - how we react. Watch this short video for wisdom in how to let go.


Dr. Joe Dispenza is teaching the world how to empower and heal our mind through meditation and mindfulness. His studies have proven that when well practiced these tools can put us on the path to understanding and breaking deep-rooted bad habits and even heal illnesses. The author of Becoming Supernatural explains how to stop your mind from controlling you on this episode of Impact Theory with Tom Bilyeu.


In this video we will be talking about how to deal with changes in life from the philosophy of The Buddha. Gautama Buddha was a philosopher, a spiritual leader and is credited as the founder of Buddhism.

The teachings of Buddha revolve around Duhkha, which means suffering, and the end of Duhkha, which is regarded as the state of Nirvana. The philosophy’s most essential teaching includes the Three Marks of Existence, which are as follows:

1. Annica which means that life is in a constant flux

2. Duhkha which means that life is painful and causes suffering, and

3. Anatta which means that the self is always changing

Here are 4 ways we can try to not only embrace life changes, but also be happy and grow with them, from the philosophy of The Buddha -

1. Acknowledge the change

2. Practice non-attachment

3. Embrace change

4. Learn from the experience


“How you love yourself is how you teach others to love you.” Rupi Kaur, Milk and Honey

To be the best person you can be, to help and support those loved ones surrounding you, you need to first love and care for yourself. The idea of self-care doesn't always mean going out to the spa to get pampered. It can also mean trusting your heart and your intuition to guide you in the right direction in life. It means taking the time to listen to your heart and your intuition often. It is the kind and compassionate way you speak to yourself.


Dr. Joe Dispenza is teaching the world how to empower and heal our mind through meditation and mindfulness. His studies have proven that when well practiced these tools can put us on the path to understanding and breaking deep-rooted bad habits and even heal illnesses. The author of Becoming Supernatural explains how to stop your mind from controlling you on this episode of Impact Theory with Tom Bilyeu.


Most people's minds are full of noise, unimportant and loud, especially when we encounter a difficult life situation. Eckhart shares how these thoughts keep us from being at peace with what is and create unhappiness in all its forms.


"How do I know the voice of intuition?" In this video, Eckhart answers this question and explains how discovering awareness can free us from inner conflict.


Join Eckhart Tolle for a free 3-Part Practice Series where he’ll guide you through a special journey to live with more Presence, reduce stress, and feel more connected to yourself and others.


Watch BK Shivani in conversation with Hon. Michael Tibollo, Minister for Mental Health & Addictions, Ontario, Canada. In this video she highlights 2 steps to end our emotional and mental pain, ways to end dependencies and addictions, applying spiritual principles in daily life, nurturing the minds of children right from when they are in the mother's womb, and the starting point for resolving all our issues.


Everything we read and hear through media and people influences the quality of our thoughts, states BK Shivani. Let us avoid reading and watching negative news early morning. We need to begin and end the day with meditation and also pure information. Then we will not need anything from people, we shift from reactive behaviors to consciously responding from our original qualities of peace, love and respect.


BK Shivani points out that some of us tend to be addicted to unhappiness. Our primary focus is on mistakes, failures and weaknesses from the past and present. By holding people, situations and the world itself responsible for our misery, we inflict more suffering. We are responsible of our emotions. Our happiness doesn’t depend on situations, it depends on how we respond to situations.


How to see every situation as a detached observer? How to remain detached? Does detachment mean coldness? BK Shivani explores these aspects. She also highlights the power of blessings, and explains how to give and receive blessings throughout the day.


BK Shivani points out that some of us tend to be addicted to unhappiness. Our primary focus is on mistakes, failures and weaknesses from the past and present. By holding people, situations and the world itself responsible for our misery, we inflict more suffering. We are responsible of our emotions. Our happiness doesn’t depend on situations, it depends on how we respond to situations.


"The more conclusions you make, the less alive you become." Watch this relaxing video created with words from Sadhguru for expanding the mind, centering yourself to your true essence, and tapping into deeper feelings.


Sadhguru talks about the need of an 'Inner Management' through which one can become the master of his own destiny.


In this speech, Sadhguru offers the possibility to go beyond all limitations, a veritable Guru that takes the seeker on a mystical journey towards the ultimate liberation.


BK Shivani highlights that no one else knows us better than us. When we start building a relationship with the self, love and respect the self, what people say won’t affect us. Even if the whole world doesn’t behave right to us but we are nice to ourselves, we will be happy. Always. We also allow people to be their way.

Daily Mantra for loving yourself:

  1. I am a pure & powerful soul.

  2. You are a pure and powerful soul.

  3. Apologize - I am sorry for what I must have done in the past.

  4. Forgiveness - I forgive you for what you have done this time.

  5. Declare that karmic knots are over.

  6. State that from today, love and respect is only what we exchange.


Be BOLD by asking for what you want, versus taking what is given to you. The challenge is to practice asking for what you really want and getting comfortable with “no’s” (roadblocks) along the way. Her talk is filled with fun personal anecdotes and some practical steps for getting anything you want in life.

"Boldness is a stronger indicator of success than intelligence. Smart people think of all the negative things that will happen when things go wrong, but bold people think of all the good things that happen when things go right. Smart people can be bold, and bold people can be smart. But it’s boldness that is the secret sauce, it’s what puts you on the path of success." - Jennifer Cohen


Self-awareness has countless proven benefits - stronger relationships, higher performance, more effective leadership. Sounds pretty great, right? Here’s the bad news: 95% of people think that they’re self-aware, but only 10-15% actually are! Luckily, Tasha Eurich has a simple solution that will instantly improve your self-awareness. What is it? Watch and find out!


Explained are 6 steps to become more emotionally intelligent. Sometimes emotions don’t make sense, and sometimes being emotional doesn’t mean you're emotionally intelligent. Growing up, rationality often comes before emotions, but then we grow older and realize that we had never actively learned how to deal with our emotions. Learn the tools to expand your emotional intelligence in this short video!


What are the words you choose? Do they give you power, or fill your future with negative energy? In this talk, Abria helps us become aware of how to be present and mindful in both thought and action in order to actualize dreams and live in positivity.


Designers spend their days dreaming up better products and better worlds, and you can use their thinking to re-envision your own life, says design professor Bill Burnett. He shares five tips to try, whether you’re at the start of your career or contemplating your next act.

How to make choices, how to feel confident about your choices, how to love your choices!


Most of us are taught from a young age that life isn’t easy and we have to fight for what we want. I’m sure you’ve heard the phrase ‘nothing in life comes easy’ or ‘if it was easy, everyone would do it’. But what about ‘down stream’ effort. You are still trying and doing work, but working with the natural flow of life. You are more focused on the journey than the goal itself. We need to define what authentic success means personally, this will help guide you to down stream effort. You need to engage in inner work - define your values, and how you want to feel everyday!


In Caroline's unique style, she talks about 3 key choices people can make to change their life.


The world is a better place each time someone disconnects from their busy, bossy mind and taps into their heart and core to ignite a deeper connection to self. There is an epidemic of low self-worth on this planet that will only be remedied with one person at a time committing to expressing unwavering gratitude, compassion and reverence within. Through the heart-core connection to self-love, we can elevate our own consciousness, deepen our connections with others and contribute to the collective respect, love and peace on earth.


This speech is a call to action. We spend about eighty percent of our day at work, the rest is at home. If we have a bad day at work we are likely to take that negativity home with us and vice versa. It is of paramount importance that we create healthy environments in the spaces that most affect our lives by giving of our best and receiving the like in return. The 5 Chairs is a powerful and systematic method which helps us master our own behaviours and manage the behaviours of others. To be a good leader is to contribute to the success and happiness of everyone, at work and at home, on a conscious level. The 5 Chairs offer 5 Choices. Which will you choose?


This program aims to release your genius like a light to illuminate the dark places where your brilliance is desperately needed. You will experience a fresh approach to Self-Assessment, take a hard look at your Habits, explore what it means to be in Integrity, articulate Next Right Steps, and take an Energy audit. You lead at work, at home and in the community. You need a structure to support your life as you support your organization’s future. Integrated with stories Nicole provides proven, time-tested, and smart actionable strategies.

If you have a dream to contribute your talents, gifts and life to your family, your organization and the greater community in a powerful way, you will be inspired to do more with the untapped potential that lies dormant within.


Know Your Inner Saboteurs - Shirzad Chamine

Stop listening to self doubt and find your inner sage.

Professor Shirzad Chamine is author of the New York Times bestseller Positive Intelligence. His work exposes 10 well-disguised mental saboteurs and shares how to defeat them. According to Chamine, "positive intelligence" measures the percentage of time our mind serves us as opposed to sabotaging us. While IQ and EQ (emotional intelligence) contribute to our maximum potential, it is PQ that determines how much of that potential we actually achieve.


Achieving one’s full potential, Kip leads listeners on a journey to remove negative thoughts and find happiness. She discusses the roadblock in her life that led her to start the Hollister Institute and start living a more mindful life.


Meet Shaolin Master Shi Heng Yi in his serene talk about self-discovery. Learn why rainfall is an essential part of each flowering. And every small step – part of the journey to the highest peek. The hindrances along the way to self-discovery and personal growth are easy to overcome.


Is the glass half full or half empty? How does a positive/negative framed mind effect your perception?


Vanessa reveals that our behavior, from hand gestures to how we say 'hello', changes the way others perceive our confidence. It’s scientifically proven that emotions are contagious. Fear is contagious. Confidence is contagious. This raises the big question - if emotions are contagious, how do we know we are infecting people with the right ones?


Disconnect: Listening to Your Inner Voice

By: Shveitta Sharma

Happiness is a choice, it is not the absence of pain, it is the appreciation of life. What's the #1 way to being happier - being in a state of gratitude. Everything in life is bringing you to where you need to be. Bringing you where you are meant to be...


Finding Your Inner Voice

By: Karol Ward

What would happen if you got stuck in your emotion without expression?... Disconnection...

When you are connected to the body, you know what you want! You are given the opportunity to say yes when you want and no when you don’t want. You feel secure with yourself and your choices, not caring what others will say or think. We may get confused, we may eat when we’re tired or angry; we may turn to a vice when we’re sad; but ultimately the body strives to move us toward emotional and mental health - towards balance. When the body is open, we are open to the world, open to live.


In what ways are you trapping yourself from the life you actually want? Get out of fear and come home to yourself! Ashley explains how to do this with a heart wrenching story and the following three steps:

1. Do a self audit - where are you holding yourself captive? Be honest with yourself - what’s working for you and what isn’t. Our natural state is love and creativity and over time we are taught fear. We learn to stop taking risks and putting ourselves out there. We become so self critical and scared. (What do you know that you wish you didn’t know?) Pain often launches you into your next stage of life - if you let it.

2. Follow your freedom. Pay attention to what feels good to you so you can set yourself free. Trust your gut (your second brain). Do you feel expansion or contraction, joy or fear, excitement or dread, liberation or suffocation?

3. Engage, take action, know you have the choice to connect to truth, your body, your joy and taking action!


Teach Your Inner Critic A New Story

By: Kari Romeo

Ways to turn self-doubt, criticism, and shame into self love. How we talk to ourselves and treat ourselves has an influences on our inner and outer world.


The Power of Vulnerability

Also - check out Brené Brown's speaking on Netflix - The Call to Courage.


I Am Enough Meditation

Let go of negativity and unlock your full potential through this guided meditation with Sara Raymond.


Reading List

By: Root to Rise

Exercise your brain and enhance your intellect while simultaneously feeding your connection to self, others, and spirit. Here are some books, but surely not all, that I have read and recommend. I will continuously strive to update the list as I too learn and grow from written resources! Feel free to reach out with any of your favorite recommendations, I am always looking for my next good read!


By: Cameron Klass

A research paper on healing trauma on all levels through trauma-informed yoga. A brief overview of yoga, trauma, how trauma effects the body and brian, and what is trauma-informed yoga (TIY). I explain how TIY helps heal on the physcial, mental and energetic level. Insight into alternative medicine and natural healing for sustainable and long-term health & happiness.


The Social Dilemma- Netflix Documentary

What is your relationship to technology and social media?

How does it effect your view of self and others?

How does it shape and influence your world view?

Do you spend time without devices: time in nature, quality time with family/friends, time with yourself?

Watch the full film here.


Neuro Linguistic Programming Techniques You Can Use Instantly


Steve Job's 2005 Commencement Address


By: Drs. David and Austin Perlmutter


By: Deepak Chopra

Explore the Chopra website and possibly you can find a free meditation or meditation series starting soon. Deepak and Oprah often co-host week, two week or three week free meditations. Sign up for their newsletter to receive updates, this can be a great resource!  


Meditation Apps:


By: Jed Diamond


By: Jennifer Latson 


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